NationwideLegal | E-Filing |

NationwideLegal | Legal Services Company |

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We are devoted to providing our clients with the most efficient and cost-effective methods for electronically filing court documents in the industry. Our comprehensive e-Filing program offers two convenient options: a concierge service and a self-service option. In addition, we offer e-recording and e-service to enhance the convenience of the process.

  • Concierge Service: We handle the process of electronically filing & recording your court documents on your behalf, providing a convenient and hassle-free option that includes document review and formatting.

  • Self-Service: A convenient way to file your own documents through our secure electronic filing portal.

  • Secure Web Access: The ability to track and manage your court filing assignments from any location, anytime, through a secure online platform.

  • Courtesy Copy Delivery: We offer the option to have copies of your filed documents delivered to any court of your choice.


I have no complaints and totally appreciate all of your good work. Jeff Oberlink is always a great help to me.


Nationwide has been effective and prompt with all the tasks I have sent them. I have no complaints, and hope I never will.


It’s been awesome. I just said yesterday I can’t believe how fast Nationwide gets all these people served. It is insane!


OUTSTANDING work all around, Team Nationwide! You’ve helped us make our client happy!


I have tried all top attorney services and Nationwide is by far the best! They are super dependable.
